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Dive into the world of luxury skincare with our captivating blog. Discover expert insights, beauty trends, and practical tips tailored for all skin types and concerns. Explore articles on skincare routines, product ingredients, and self-care rituals. Unveil the secrets to achieving your most radiant, confident self, one curated story at a time.

The AMRA Team
Jul 19, 20243 min read
Summer Skincare Barrier Repair: How Summer Affects It and AMRA's Go-To Solutions
Summer skincare!Learn to protect & repair your skin barrier with AMRA Skincare’s advanced formulations. Keep your skin glowing & healthy!

The AMRA Team
Apr 18, 20242 min read
Why Urban Dwellers Need Skincare for Age Defence: The Power of AMRA Skincare’s Pearl Pollution Shield
In the dense tapestry of urban life, where the pace is relentless and the environment challenging, the skin pays a hidden toll. City...

Susan Jessop
May 4, 20232 min read
The Importance of Using Active Ingredients for the Best Skincare Results
As a skincare expert, I cannot stress enough the importance of active ingredients in skincare products. Active ingredients are the...

Susan Jessop
Jan 26, 20233 min read
How to Lift, Tone and Contour your Skin
As we age, the skin on our face changes. You will notice a completely different structure over time because your body naturally produces...

Susan Jessop
Jan 20, 20233 min read
The Power of Gold in Skincare
Using 24kt Gold in your skincare routine is the ultimate indulgence. It’s proven skincare to help with anti-ageing, it’s...

The AMRA Team
Nov 24, 20222 min read
How to Get Glowing Skin this Festive Period
Is your skin ready for December? Glowing skin is a trend that some have truly mastered, though this complexion requires incredible upkeep.

The AMRA Team
Oct 13, 20223 min read
Guide to Winter Hydration
There are numerous factors that take their toll on our skin through the cold months. It's key that we maintain the ultimate hydration levels

The AMRA Team
Aug 10, 20222 min read
Why is my Skin Sensitive?
All types of skin can be sensitive. Whether you have combination, dry, oily or somewhere-in-between skin, you can have sensitivity.

The AMRA Team
Jul 11, 20222 min read
Why You Should Wear SPF
Popular belief may lead you to believe SPF is only for summertime, when the sun is at its highest and we can see its effect on our skin....

The AMRA Team
Mar 1, 20222 min read
How Often Should You Use a Face Exfoliator and Body Mask?
Spring is almost upon us, with the promise of renewal, new beginnings and warmer days ahead of us.

The AMRA Team
Jan 1, 20223 min read
Dry vs Dehydrated Skin
here’s a lot more to know about skin than just simply oily or dry, and misconceptions about dry skin in particular tend to become prevalent

The AMRA Team
Aug 11, 20212 min read
What Causes Acne?
Stressed skin can manifest in a variety of ways, and it’s very common to see acne persist into adulthood, so be reassured if you’re...

The AMRA Team
May 11, 20212 min read
The Best Cleanser For Your Skin Type
When cleansing your face, the main goal is to rid the skin of any impurities such as makeup, free radicals, dirt and excess oil.
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